Jane 27, 1953 Dear Dr. Belser: I would not recommend streptothricin-resistance. Many of the mtants show a variable cross-resistance to streptomycin, and there is not a cleas single-step development of resistance. However, it might be usable in Serratia—— in any case you could not immediately extrapolate the expectatiohs from E, coli. You may be able to get some from Woodruff at Merck. Its non-availability through commercial channels is ancther disadvantage too. I wish I could recommend another resistance marker that would be as good as streptomycin, but I do not khow of any. For an unselected marker, however, "furadroxyl" (see Szybalski) might serve; sc might Co**, or gid. (Have you seen Cavalli's paper in Bull. W.H.O. 6: 185-206 19527) I have been hoping that I might hear from Dr. Treffers or yourself about the mtability modifier from 58-278. I have not so far. For your Serratia problem, why do you not use additionaklauxotroph markers? Historically, these served very well for K-12 (v. Nature, 158: 558, Oct. 19, 1946). Sincerely, Joshua Ledérberg & Q