Space Science Board National Academy of Sciences 2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Weshington 25, D. C. SPACE SCIENCE BOARD MEMORANDUM April 5, 1960 TO: Members, Space Science Board Members, Committee 11 and lla At the request of Dr. Joshua Lederberg following recent discussions of his Exobiology sub-committee, arrangements have been made to provide a comprehensive discussion of very high altitude photography and the sub- sequent interpretation of the photographs, _,There appears much that can be learned by looking at pictures of the earth taken from extreme altitudes which will be of direct application to lunar and planetary near misses, For example, recent photographs taken at 700 miles from missile nose cones did not indicate to biologists either the presence or absence of life on the earth. A better understanding of what is now possible with expert photographic analysis cannot help but assist those who are planning future lunar and planetary exploration, Through the courtesy of General Don Flickinger, USAF (MC) of the Air Research & Development Command, the Air Force will present a briefing covering this topic to all who are interested on May 16, 1960, in the San Francisco, California, area. The briefing will be held in either Palo Alto or Berkeley and we shall advise you of the exact location prior to the meeting. General Flickinger will introduce the speakers and be available for discussion at the conelusion,. Please let me know of your plans to attend,