National Academy of Sciences Attachment A National Research Council 2101 Constitution Avenue, N. W. Washington 25, D. C. Interim Report to SPACE SCIENCE BOARD of Biology Committees (11 and 11-A) The Space Science Board Committee on Psychological and Biological Research, and its Exobiology Sub-committee has given careful considera- tion to the tasks outlined in SSB-139 and its attachments, The Committee ig now reorganizing to improve the biology coverage in the space science programs of the 1965-70 and 1970-80 periods, Completion of this reorganization will make possible thé broad assessment necessary to provide a properly balanced biology input to program formulation. 1970-80 Period and the late 1960's ( pacts exh cporont tececlbg,) Within the foreseeable future, the cost of sending an experimental device through space and receiving information from it will be many times that of using comparable analytical instruments in the laboratory. For mary other reasons, the retrieval of samples of the planets would ultimately be the most informative means for the advancement of planetary science, This self-evident design has been and should continue to be foremost in the long-range planning for the scientific utilization of spacecraft with the requisite capabilities, However, such missions also introduce the risk of back-contamination, a risk that cannot be decisively evaluated within the framework of our present knowledge of planetary biology, The same missions, as well as the one-way probes that will precede them, also entail the possibility of contaminating the targets; however, these missions can be programmed so as to minimize the carriage of ''samples" of the earth, and to disinfect the spacecraft by methods of known efficacy for terrestrial organisms, Furthermore, as a matter of policy, acceptable risk figures for contaminating a planetary target must be substantially higher than for bringing trouble home, From this standpoint, it may be fortunate that the vehicles for one- way missions will (as is obvious) become available first. We must make every effort to develop experiments that can be flown on such missions and give telemetered information on planetary life and life- habitats, 1960-65 Period During this time, Centaur will be available, but Saturn will not, The most significant experiments in exobiology are not possible with these capabilities: these require planetary soft landings, however, considerable preparatory work must be done now. This consists of two parts—-both, for this period, independent of sequence, 1) Space Experiments a) Lunar soft landing b) Planetary fly-bys c) Satellite-borne telescope d) Recoverable nose-cone or satellite capsule 2) Back-up research, for space flight experiments and for general scientific information a) Instrumentation b) Earth-based experimentation Many aspects of the planetary chemistry program are of particular interest to the biology groups; in fact, there is no chemical informa- tion not useful to planning biological experiments, A. Exobiology 1) Space Exper iments a) Lunar Landing - Biologists await anxiously the chemical analysis of the lunar surface and of deeper layers, ‘These results are essential for planning any biological approach, until. this information is available, however, we continue to stress the necessity for minimizing contamination of the moon by terrestrial organisms. b) Planetary Fly-bys i) Determination of the temperature profile of Venus ii) Examination of Mars in the infra-red as proposed by Davis and Gumpel in their COSPAR Symposium paper. This experiment was conceived by Jet Propulsion Laboratory in collaboration with Messrs, Calvin and Weaver of the University of California, It is understood that the instrumentation is essentially ready, c) Satellite Telescope - This experiment can, under certain conditions of technological development, provide essentially the same information as the fly-bys, either would be helpful depending on the solution of their respective technology problems. It is very important to have planetary study capability included in the satellite telescope. d) Recoverable Nose-cone or Satellite Capsule i) Temperature relations of small particles in vacuum under incident radiation, Particles whose diameter is less than IR wavelengths may reach very high equilibrium temperatures owing to their difficulty _ of (thé radiation, It may be possible to simulate DS the reaction of, say, “acterial spores (d = 1 p) in vacuum in the terrestrial laboratory, but it may be difficult to prevent interaction between particles and container wall, Space experiments, e.g. recoverable satellite capsule and nose-cone flights (giving as much as 30 minutes exposure) may be the most convenient way to determine the effect. 1i) Study of the effects of the low pressures of free space on the survival of terrestrial organisms, rs To a coun june othet ptt may be possible to simulaté’on the ground, aitheugh— sexposure to the space environment—-would-be-more— meaniugful, . Lu 4 of Wisconsin is interested in both i and ii.) re pe biti bork 2) Back-up Research ye Throughout this period, conse research on every aspect of the control of contaminatin ore paredcul anticipation of t ee n the moon, and more particularly the planets, __ ee ~~ ay Instrumentation for Space Flight Experiments i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) (xi) for analysis... This yermet pido ectrostatic collection of falling dust Scoops or augers ( 4 . : >) Gathering of samples of planetary surface terials i SW. Chemistry of planetary surfaces Application of mass spectrometer techniques to solid as well as gaseous samples Automatic spectrometry in infrated and ultraviolet Handling of materials for chemical analytical reactions Detection of micron-sized particles giving volatile products Protection of samples Encapsulation of samples in hermetically-sealed containers for (a) local protection for later analysis and (b) ultimately for safe return to earth. Biological detection Culture and micro chemistry of micro-organisms (Vishniac and Lederberg both \nterested) in Consperyrs Means for subSequent ldcation and identification of Space craft*used in early planetary landings Means for vidicon survey at various magnifications and focal lengths for macroscopic exobiota (and for other planetary data) Detectors for enzymatic catalysis Interaction of planetary organisms with tissue cells Response of planetary organisms to disinfection B. b) Ground-based Experimentation for General Scientific Information i) Telescopy - particularly continuing planetary studies ii) Analysis of meteorites fii) Profile of earth's atmosphere with respect to microbe~bearing dust Sample collection by high altitude balloons, and sounding rockets; also micrometeorites thus collected can be analyzed for abundances of carbonaceous materials, The transport of micron particles can be determined through studies of high altitude atmospheric . > turbulence, portal Consideration of the mechanisms necessary fo organisms to escape the earth's i field, iv) Interpretation of the appearance of earth from high altitude for detection of biological phenomena~ both high resolution photography and in IR. v) Simulation of planetary environments as habitats for terrestrial organisms —_— vi) Conditions for the origin of life~simulation of planetary atmospheres and characterization of products of biochemical interest resulting from their irradiation{, Radiation Biology 1) Space Experiments - More detailed physical measurements of the radiations in snoce. When knomm reliobly, these measurements can’ be translated easily into biological terms by. (a) laboratory simulation and (b) calculations from fundamental parameters, Cosmic ray effects, These effects at a cellular level are pretty well understood, but their heterogeneous distribution over the animal (needle-like lesions 25 yp diameter, 1 mm long) gives effects on performance of the whole animal not yet easily calculated, 2) Back-up Research - Experiments with available accelerators and microbeam equipment will enable selection of the best biological indicators to be used later in flight tests, Cc. international Co-operation 1) Development of acceptable methods of decontamination 2) Exchange of ideas concerning the objectives of exobiological research and discussion of the instrumentation 3) Depending on success of these enterprises negotiation of tapnervonrls tacit arguments through COSPAR, D. Environmental Biology No serious proposals for rhythms or gravity-free state experiments were at hand,