eM PMP * They dc rt Be dulletin July '2, 1959 Memorandum: Yo: Westex From: J. Lederberg NEXT KEETING The main purpose of this circular §s to remind you of our planned meeting to be held at Stanford about September Y2e . %¥ there are some dates In that vicinity that would be Inconvenient please let me know, Davies will mot be back unti! about Sept. 8; the Stanford Medical Center will have fts formal dedication Sept. 17 - 18. POSITION PAPER ‘The main item of business for Westex ~ hk Is the edoption of a draft of a "position paper" of the Academy. This will be reviewed by tne Board In October to be promulgated as a formal statement of goals and cautions — on behalf of the Academy. & will be preparing a draft to cireulate to you before the meeting -~ this will be based on our previous discussions. Please write me any thoughts or after-thoughts that should be Ip the circular, particularly as they may go beyond what is already in the previous bulletins. Carl Sagan fs at Berkeley for the summer (e/o Leuschner Observatory) and will be wréiing a technical résumé on planetary enviconments as an appendix to this paper. CONTINUED SUPPORT The Space Science Board of the HAS has expressed [ts vigorous appreciation of the work Westex has been doing and wilt give [ts support for whatever further consultative work we would care - to do, including such further meetings as we hold. it ts not an operating agency but St can, and will, back experimental projects that may be submitted to NASA, NSF, ete., elther directly or through Westex. WASA Js just starting tts shop for bloiogical projects but it Is soliciting them aow. So if any of you have some ideas you want to implement either send them in directly or bring them up for discussion at Westex-k or both. DECONTAMINATION A technical committee on decontaminatjon met at Stanford on July 8. it Included representatives from NAS, NASA, JPL, General Electle Co., and Fort Detrick (Ch. Phillips). §t went over particular aspects of treatment of the third Stage and paytead. Ethylene oxide is far and away the mest promising approach; it may be necessary to use other methods (heat, radiation, stertie assembly?) for seme - special items that are hermetically sealed. Fort Detrick Is wilting to do tha developmental and contro! work: the cenmittee fs forwarding a strong recommendation that Detrick be awarded a contract te do the job. if this is done | think we need no longer spend too much time on this problem and can concentrate on positive objectives. TOLERANCES A knotty problem that Davies has to bring up is our quantitative Standards for performance in sterile probes. What is an acceptable upper tevel of mathematical expectation of the numbers of viable spores deposited on a pl enct? This will be a probability product of the Initial contamination toad, the pre-flight sterilization procedure, the increment during atmospheric flight, losses during free flight, atmossheric reentry apd impact, and probability of successful mission. i have suggested 10 ~ as an upper level to alm at -> in the present state of design, perhaps only 10 “of this need represent the inittal sterility of the probe. Howaver, as “mere successful, softer landings are progranmed, the initial decontamination Westex - 3¢ ~2- BACK will also have to be improved. Perhaps this tolerance is not cautious enough -- if, in due course, 10° flights are made we would have established a risk of 10°? of a planetary infection. But before then we should know enough more to make a better judgment, What are your thoughts? CONTAMINATION it will be some time, but ultimately space craft Re ANNI eT At ER AONE may be recovered on earth after having made at least an atmospheric entry at another planet. Can we assess the acceptable tolerance for the risk of a "contamination of the earth. Should this be 10 ~, 10 pg eeel Against such a tolerance, how would we match the a prior! likelihood of a deleterious effect of back-contamination? Perhaps even more than in the fssue of planetary infection we have to compute expectations by taking a limit product that amounts tecos 0. However, it is easter to insist on defending the earth than other planets. There will be some ifme before this issue has to be decided, but we should start some imaginative thinking on the posstbie consequences of re-infection. Human disease per se Is (In my opinion) the least likely but far From the only possibility. PROBE The mission discussed at cur fast session has been cancelled PON OO for the time being. As i understand ft the projected power requirements for guidance and stabilization left too little margin for communications and a useful experiment. One consolation ts the time this givas to perfect the experiments. The next missions are tikely to be luvar hits er grazes with the aim of a close-up picture. ORGANIZATION This Is always puzzling. Enclosed is a reference to the Bioastronautics Comuittee, of which Calvin Is a mamber. 3 do not know what Is the outcome if any of discussions on its relationships te other groups. The enclosure indicates the special relationship of the Committee to the military and to the man-In-space programs. The Space Science Board of the NAS is a successor to the #GY committee. tt has been advisory mainly to NASA and in the early formulation of general policy im space science. As an organ of the NAS the Board seeks to express the consesus of sclentific Judgment. The chairman of the Space Scieace Board is Lloyd Berkner; appointments to it are made by Detlev Bronk as president of the Academy. the role of exoblolegy in the space program is erystallizing; it can now be more explicitly represented by virtue of my own recent appointment to the Board. Westex has been de facto one of the sub~ committees of the Board; it should perhaps be more formally recognized as such, a5 should come about without difficulty. OTHER NEWS Davies is presenting a paper on decontamination of probes at the international Astronautics Congress in Londen early in September. Some members of Westex have been coopted to Calvin's group of the Bioastronautics subcommittee. There is a meeting scheduled at Woods Hole for the week of the 13th. | hope we may have a report on this either by circular or at Westex-4. The overlapping membership should facilitate interchange of information and tdeas.