Henos Thoughts for the Westex Il] Meeting. Jet Propulsion Leboratory, April 21, 1959 Dear Colleague: At the Westex II meeting it was mentioned that the Jet Fropulsica Laboratory had besn assigned the technical supervision of the Atias-Vega recket. The Vega is the next generation of deep space vehicles and will be used fox a variety of purpeses. The first stage is a modified Atlas ICBM buil% by Convair Astronautics Corporation, The second stage is a GE 05 engine or modified Vanguard first stage. The thi:d stage is now being developed at the Jet Propulsion Leboratory amd is usually referred to as the GK becaugze it is designed to produce 6000 pounds thrust. The first Vega Launching will take a trajectory out pasi: the Moon. This will ccecur in the middle of 1960, The second Vega will be sent in the direction of Mars hopefully missing it by no more than a iaiilion miles. This launching will take place in late September of 1960 and the probe will arrive in the neighborhood of Mars approximately 15 days later. The third Vega launching atiempt will take place in January of 1961 amd the probe will be sent in the direction of Venus. ‘The trip will. take approximately 90 days. This is the way the proeran shapes up now, It may be necessary to change it. The gross payloads for each of these shots are? lst 1GG Ibs hioon miss 2nd $00 lbs Mars miss 3rd =: BOO Tbs Venus misg The gross payload incindes the power supply, guidance, csommnicati.o systems, etc., leaving considerably less for scientific instruments, The current astimate of the scientific package weights are: lz: 100 + Ibs Moon 23 20 ibs | Mars 3: 80+ Ibs Venus Oowieusly, the Mars mission poses the mcst serious techiical problems, It also presents an opportunity for the United States to regain some prestige in the space field. The Soviet Union already has an ICBM rocket developed for deep espace work and it is quite likely that they will again demonstrate their superiority next June when Venus and Earth approach opposition. 4 the momeric, the first priority exporiment on the Nary prone 1s an infre-red optical systen. Hopefvliy, we can obtain new information that will prove useful in planning subsequent Mars missions, For example , 2 10 inch reflector 10° miles from Nara has four tines the yadiation collecting power of the 200 inch telescope when ‘ers is av opposition to the Earth, We believe a 20 inch reflector is feasible for a ‘ers probe and that the probe may come within a half million miles. This would provide a radiation collecting factor of Sh better nan what Sinton had with the Palomar telescope, Sinten observed Mars in the 3-) Qi oregion. Calvin suggests thai, there are many organie compounds which would show the 3.43 p dip and that some more characteristic spectrum should be Looked for. He has taken a reflection spectrum of milled nylon, The peptide Linkage shews a refisctions peak at wave number 1532. fnother reflecticn peak occurs at about 1611. (This is in the neighborhood of 6 py.) I have made som calculations on the gicunt of energy received from the entire Mars planet ab a distance of 10° Kkiiometers, The total radlation consists of two parts, the Sun's radiation reflested trom Mars, and the omitted radiation. Mars is assumed to radiate approxinately like @ black body at 250° K, The albedo is taken to be 0.1 ies s ce (A) = reflected power in watts per micron at wavelength A eed Ep (A) ® emitted power in watts per micron. Aa & area of reflector in em.* ~ 2000 am.* Ey (3eh a) = 6.1 x 10° ag watts m4 Ey (5.72) = 0.98 x 10720 ay watts pot Ep (7m) = 0,86 x 10°29 2. watts al Bp (6.5) = 0.65 x 1079 4; watts p~ nn » (6m) = 1.75 x 10? Ag watts pvt Mars is net a black body, but a gray Dody. It seems Likely that Calvin's refisction spikes will show up as spectrum dips, iiere IT Laboratory wors is badly needed. 25 showld not be diffieuls to gst such work financed. Preliminary investigation indicaios that there is no clagsified work of this nature. Can we get the radiation into a spectresceps aperture? if we can, deteetion does not appear to be a problem, If the light losses ara not high, then as little as a 30th of the area of Mare can be scaaned. Pb Se may be a suitable detector in the 6y vegion,. At low tmperae tures it has a sensitivity of about LO™ 1 watte and a time constant of 10"? seconds. fn infraered telescope wovld also be useful on a Venus probes Temperatures of the Cytherian atmosphere are currently estimated from radiation in the 8 ~ region and the 10-13 p region. What ideas do you have for the Mars and Venus migsions? There ig not much time and we must make our decisions soccie Locking forward to seeing you, R. W. Davies