weer Rakk Bob-- the meeting was successful enough to be fun; Hibbs will send you a report and E will too. The group felt rather stronger about contami- nation tinctuding the moon) than @ 1! would have predicted. However, the suggested proceduge for sterilization by Et:0 gas should be simple and effective. For the planetshots, some more attention should be given to microbiology in the design stage to minimize inherent contami- nation and to faciljtate fumigation. By arndlarge the substance of the preliminary report I sent you last week was adopted unani- mously. However, while the moonshots should be sterilized (and they feasibly can be!) the tolerable levels of bacteria (before steriliza- tian) that | quoted may be too stringent, and 10° per missile may be more reasonable than 10. This goes to show how easy it is to carry heavy contamination. § think with some care you might be able to beat that tolerance. One important and practical suggestion is the need to verify the effectiveness of steri- Yization procedures by microblological control. Fort Detrick can help you a great deal on this (but don't let the papers learn you have BW in on the rockets!) Amther useful suggestion Is to get a resident microblologist at the launch base so you know something of the local flora and to help keep an eye open on the whole pro- ceedings. If you can Interest and detach Otto Landman from Detrick to do this, it might work out very well® Aemy Medical (Walter Reed) also must have some talent in the area-- you might check with Lou Baron over there . More to follow..... wet a Lill C fone ay /> } |