STANFORD UNIVERSITY ( EC STANFORD, CALIFORNIA eal sCHOOL OF MEDICINE Office of the Dean Febr. 9/ 11 foyer: The arrangements for the planetary microblology meeting are for Saturday February 21, 1OAM -- (4:307) at the Blophysies Laboratory here. Would you extend our Invitation to Dan Mazia, Gunther Stent, Calvinand Weaver as well as yourself? Aaron would have been particularly inconvenienced by a Friday meeting, and many of the others would have at least preferred Saturday. 1! had to give Jastrow a firm date over the phone. Jastrow called today from NASA-- he Is chairman of the working group on planetary exploration which Is meeting this Saturday to plan a moonshot. Contrary to what Gold insisted on, they think it Is possible to design a hard (no-decel eration) landing cushioned enough to protect Instruments. SInce this would (a) also protect ang contaminant organisms, and (b) probably give circumlunar spread of fragments, this is possibly the worst combination of circumstances. He was almost insistent that {| should drop everything and attend this meeting, but he agreed to walt for a report from our group, and he may come himself or send a representative. Unfortunately thls somewhat shortcircults Rossi and his committee, and may reflect the urgency of the situation. I will send some memoranda later. Thanks for the Space Committee Minutes. oogrs Z’ Soshua Lederberg Tentative Roster: Stanford: Berkeley Caltech also Bracewe} | Calvin Horowitz Novick Krauskopf Mazia Davies Marr VanNiel Stanier (J.P.L.) Jastrow Lederberg Stent Weaver COPY