May 16, 1958 Professor V. D. Tinakow Academy of Medical Selences of the USSH Soljanka 14 Moscow Dear Professor Tinakoy: Dr. C.—i, Heden of the International Congress of Mierobiology has forwarded your letter signifying your interest in a discusaion of som general aspects of alcroblolo research in space. ZI oan well understand that ay remarks might be unclear after having been tranamitted seccomil or third hand, and I am happy to take this op- portunity, at Dr. Heden's suggestion, of first hand correspondence with you. An exchange of views by letter, prior to the Congress, aight be most First let m stress that my om interests are in biological ami masdical researoh, ani that I have no connection with the rocket and satellite pro- gram An this country. Official policy on these matters is at present within the jurisdiction of the Departamnt of Defense, although it is likely that legislation now pending in the U.5. Gongress will transfer basic research functions to a new civilian agenoy, already abbreviated "NASA". This has, however, not yet been approved by the Congress. My views are therefore entirely personal. I speak only as a selentist, and not as an official representative, and I have furthermore no access to any unpublished or seoxet information in this field. chief concern is that a lack of Liaison between biological and phys scientists my lead to an unfortunate loss of certain opportunities for future microbiological research. For example, the question whether the planet tare 43 inhabited by living organisms will be extremely pertinent to our conespti ons of the origin and distribution of life in the universe. Furthermore, during the next few decades, when it becomes pussible to analyse the Martian microflora, ita biochemical constitution will be of the most extruordinary interest. My fear is that in the haste to accumlate data for the physical sciemoes in space research, and to deaunstrate the capabilities of interplanetary vehicles, these biological objectives may be overlooked in the planning of rocket missions. A possible result might then be the inadvertent contamination of a planet such as Mars by micro- organisms carried from the earth. This is an event which might be expected to occur in the very near future. The possibility of retrieval of samples from another planet is much more distant, though its ultimate attainment can hardly be doubted. If, say 25 years later the problems have been solved, we face the possibility that microorganisms resembling those on our Earth may be found on Mars. The inter pretation of such a finding will be most difficult unless we have some assurances that inadvertent contamination from earlier visits by one-way vehicles had been excluded. The same considerations apply to the moon, although we can hardly believe that this is a habitat for active life. The only way that spores might occur on the moon would be through interplanetary dissemimtion, as had been suggested for example by Arrhenius fifty years ago. Your able compatriot, A.I. Oparin has summarized the arguments against such a possibility in his recently revised book "Origin of Life on the Earth". His objections are entirely convincing, but I would be very sorry if the opportunity to make an experimental test were to be needlessly spoiled. I am enclosing some materials such as clippings from newspapers that may give you some idea of the extent to which these ideas have been received in the U.S. In view, however, of the pre-eminent position held by the USSR in the production of artificial satellites of such a magnitude that they could certainly be propelled to the moon by your existing rocket motors, the interest of U.S. biologists in this question will be futile unless we can make a common cause with our fellow-scientists in the biological selences in the USSR. This particular question, I should mention, is being taken up through more official channels, for example by the committee which has been convened by Florkin (Liege, Belgium). However, if such groups are EMAX to have necessary advice from microbiologists, both as to the nature of possible problem that may not yet have been thought of, and as to the methods for their solution, it will be necessary to bring these questions to the attention of our many acientific colleagues. I have been assured that Professor Florkin's committee would welcome suggestions from many sources. One difficulty is that I have no way of knowing which scientists in Russia may be most interested in these questions. If you have an occasion to intro- duce them to Academician Oparin, I would be very pleased to have his views also. I haye one last favor to ask. I must apologize for having essentially no knowledge of the Russian language, and unfortunately the facilities for trans- lation in this community are, I am sure, inferior to yours. My wife has been studying Russian recently, but would have great difficlty at this stage. If it is at all possible or convenient, I would ask that we communicate in English, or in French or German if you would prefer either of these. I am sure that Dr. Heden would welcome your suggestions as to microbiologists in other countries who might be asked to participate in the discussions. I do not know who else among the professional microbiologists in the U.S. would be interested, but perhaps during the next few months I can learn something of them. Are you acuuainted with Dr, K.V. Kossikov or Dr. N.D. lerusalimsky of the Academy of Sciences? I had the good fortune to meet them at a CIBA conference in London, and hope you may transmit my regards if you know then. Yours sine YA Joshua Lederber Professor & Chairmin, Dept. of Medical Genetics