Prof,J,Lederberg: For your énformation Stockh@lm, Hay 9, 1958 Professor V.D. Tinakov The USSR Asaceony fer Medical Sciences Soljanks 14 MOSCOW pee Ueteleiic Dear Professor Timekov, Thank you very much for the letter of 4pril 28th. I am clad that you and Prof.Zhdanev might participete in a closed discussion on problems of space miscroblolegy, and I have suggested to Professor Lederberg that he might get in teuch with you to exmlair his genersl voints of view. I greatiy avpreciate your kindhess in saying that your colieca-ues will be glad te have participants innthe tour to Leningrad and Mescow visit their institutions and laboratories, 4 formal request to your foreign office has been made vy the Swedish ambacsador in Mescew, and I hepe that in due course we will receive suggestions of places that would be suitable to visit. The best thing woubd be if you could have somebody prepare a list of the laboratories (with a very brief description of their activities) so thot the participants could state their preference before the trip. This ia being arranged by RESO in cellaboration with Intourist, Sincerely yours, Cc onGe Hedén ace: Pref,J Lederberg