THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN MADISON 6 DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY Hay 20, 1968 Professors Robert Seek Gerald ©, Gerleff warren &. Gilson Gentlemen: In accordance with preliminary discussions with a number of you in President fred's office on Hay 13 and further diseussions in Selence Hell on May 19 it seems desirable t set up e committee to consider projects which the University may be qualified to undertake, ani desirous of undertaking, in the field ef space research, I hope you will be willing to serve on thie couittee, Professer tuomi has agreed to serve as Chairman and Professor “erloff ae secretary, The firet meeting of the committee will oo held Thursday, May 22, at 1:30 in Room 119 Seienee Hall, the mein Liem of business at this meeting will be a wore detailed discussion of the iteme which should be ineluded in the tentative proposal fer eupport which may sbe sent te the Air Foree Missile Development Genter before May 27, Sincerely, John &, Willard Jdwsif