NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS 1512 H STREET NORTHWEST WASHINGTON 25, D. C. TeLerrone; Lisenty 5-8700 JANES H, DOOLITTLE, Se. D., CHAIRIAN February 4, 1958 LEONARD CARMICHAEL, Px. D., Vice CHAIRMAN ALLEN V. ASTIN, Px. D. CHARLES J. MCCARTHY. S. B. LANGLEY AERCRAUTICAL LADORATORT PRESTON R. BASSETT. M. A. LT. GEN. DONALD L. PUTT. U.S. ALF. LANGLEY FiELD, VA. DETLEV W, BRONK, Pit. D. JAMES T, PYLE, A.B. FREDERICK C, CRAWFORD, Se. D. FRANCIS W. REICHELDERFER, $c. D. AMES AERONAUTICAL LABORATORY VICE ADM, WILLIAM V. DAVIS, Jk. U, 5.8. EDWARD Y. RICKENBACKER, Se. D. MOFFETT FIELD, CALI. REAR ADM. WELLINGTON T.HINES,U.S.N. LOUIS S. ROTHSCHILD, Px. BL JEROME C. HUNSAKER, Sc. D, GEN. THOMAS D, WHITE, U, $.A.F. Lewis FUGHT PROPULSION LABORATORY 21000 BROOKPARK ROAD, CLEVELAND 11, Ose Professor Joshua Lederberg Chairman, Dept. of Medical Genetics Genetics Building The University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Professor Lederberg, I have read with interest your letter of January 28th and its accompanying memorandum on Cosmic Microbiology. With respect to the biological aspects of space research, I believe that your statement that only those aspects pertaining to human survival in space travel have been considered, There has been some discussion in the Council of the Academy of a suitable advisory committee structure for the scientific aspects of space research and I will bring your letter to the attention of the Council. With respect to the organization of space research, particu- larly the non-military aspects, no conclusive statements can be made at this time. It remains for the administration to determine its own position and to make recommendations to the Congress. Congress already has many proposals from other sources, What the outcome will be, no one knows at present. I enclose a copy of my luncheon talk at the meeting of the Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences in New York on January 27th. This describes an expression of views by the Executive Committee of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics on the organi- zational question. The notices for the annual meeting of the Academy to be held in Washington, April 28-30, will go out shortly. Sincerely yours, Az Zz. Ont Hugh L.. Dryden, Director Enclosure Medical Genetics