August 2, 1963 Or. Harriet Zuckerman Department of Soclology Columble Universit , Fayerweather Hal} bis New York 27, New York Dear Dr. Zuckerman: To yours of July 31, } am not able to encourage an Interview as a constructive technique of collecting sclentifically useful Information. The question you ralse has some Interest and f think you might be interested In the enclosed material which may Indeed suggest a fruitful method of analysis. if you have not already done so, | think you would find It most rewarding to talk to Dr. Garfleld In Philadelphia about this problem, and | know that he has a deep and synpathetic Interest In te. , Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics ce: Dr. Eugene Garfield LL nd fv y ly da /N ne) Sm