January 19, 1965 Dr. Alan Garen Department of Molecular Biology and Blophysics The Josiah Willard Gibbs Research Laboratories Yale University Box 2166 Yale Station New Haven, Connacticut Dear Alan: If I have any difficulty in responding to your letter about Norton Zinder it is that of having to restate the obvious, and especially since you have bean so closely associated with him yourself and could speak for his out- standing qualifications first hand. His work as a graduate student on Salmonella transduction is of course very well known and has laid the basis for a large part of the further exploration of bacterial genetics. Since then, in addition to exploring this line, and his imaginative work (with you) on radiobiology of phage, he has opened more new doors with the discovery of the male-specific RNA phages and their exploitation to answer some of the most fundamental end most difficult ques- tions of molecular biology. Dr. Zinder has a special knack for turning up the unexpected, thereby pioneering new fields rather than following the bandwagon. I am especially proud to be able to recommend him to my own alma mater, and do so without hesitation. I hope he dces move, for the general benefit of his functioning in a true university. Good luck, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics AXpulZ