R. E. KALLIO Amerwan Society for Microbiology | Samexcrmenoos (SOCIETY OF AMERICAN BACTERIOLOGISTS) DEPARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY IOWA CITY, IOWA 26 March 1962 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Medical Genetics Stanford University Stanford, California Dear Doctor Lederberg: I am writing you with two requests uppermost in mind - both of which I am sure will be problems, at best. s You may be aware that Dr. Norton Zinder is to be the recipient of the Eli Lilly Award this year at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology at Kansas City, Missouri. Since you were his mentor I wonder if you would do us the favor of dashing off a short summary of his work and the significance thereof for our Public Relations man Mr. Everett Tretbar, 230 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago 1, Illinois. This will become the basis of news releases shortly before Dr. Zinder receives the award. Any material you send will be kept in confidence as the Society has tradi- ~ tionally surrounded the award with considerable secrecy. The information may be sent directly to Everett Tretbar. yt My second request is concerned with the ASM meeting in Cleveland in 1963. Would you be willing to convene and organize a Symposium on some aspect or aspects of space biology at that meeting? You will have a free hand in choosing subject and participants and insofar as is humanly possible any time within the Monday AM thru Thursday PM block of time (May 5-9, 1963). Whatever response you may choose to make to these requests will be appreciated. I am, Your Obedient Servant, Dem aS WleCaltra R. E. Kallio, Chairman Program Committee, ASM REK: sh CHAIRMAN OF THE PROGRAM COMMITTEE é a