Februarg 25, 1957 Bear Norton Here's a full itinerary. We'll look for you at the airport, but please don't knock yourself out. If you're not there, we'll call. I'd written to Lioyd Law: he answered just now that he's been quite busy on the leukemia angle. So far, aarrow replacement hasn't been as effective as he'd hoped. There's another syndrome, which may be due to antibody reaction against the host, after homologous transplant. The low-penicillin-level fax selection for wall-less mtants hasn't worked. But we've improved our general screening methods. Connie is in something of a spot in her work twixt Vet. Sci. and Genetics. If she could organise her prograg more concretely, it would be very helpful ta her. She's done a lot of the preliminary legwork in preparing reagents; you know the inconsistent results we've had on the 05~antigen lysogenic conversion, which might have something to do with B phages. If you could send her the ones we discussed, we'd both be very grateful. What's odd is the difference between SE 15 and 18, which differ in 05 and in an A phage! But we could not show any regular effect of lysogeny for this phage on 05 content. See you, April Fool!s