October 29, 1956 Dear Norton: That was terrible new about Mark Adams. Ssilard told me about it the day af ter. I don't know what more Esther and I could say about "delysogenizing" with UV them is already given in Genetivs, 1953, 361p.54. This fe cited again in our paper in the Sept. Genetics on the heterogenotes. Mainly, Psther has gotten to be vary acute at noticing the colony appearance. Ted Park and I heave been in touch about padéetllin action: he has identified his UDP conjugates as being hooked up with a 2lLactyl-3-—glucosamine residue, and hes found the same residue in cell wall preps. Ergo he reaches the sane conclustons about m/o penicillin. He #ill have a note in Sodence with the usual Cros s~acknowledgmente, Nothing more fruitful scbout L-cclonies, but this will geakity gratify you: dn indic-ink preps, the protoplasts of K-12 do show a defibite clear zone or capsule. I don't know if this is the remins of the "wall" or of the K antigen. As Srakovs are now here (with about 400 seruws they bruught from Copenhagen !) we hive 2 chances to go after# thia by servlogion 1] methods. Have you looked at the lysovyme-orcteplasts this way? Would you? (Not fair to use strain B; I don't Yours, wwhioh might be wrong in detail; it's a fair bet some wall-bullding reaction is out, but 1 doesn't have to be the polymerase itself. Until it's testei, it might be the uzun synthesis of the amin6~sugar, for example. It's not DAP synthesis.