October 6, 1955 Dr. Norton Zinder Rockefeller Institute New York 21, N.Y. Dear Norton: Could you refresh my memory on a point that has come tip in connection with some further serotypic analysis that one of my students (Tetsuo Tino) is carrying on? He is anxious to get a lysate from a TM2(PLT22) culture, which, as you know, does not induce very well. But your thesis comments that FA could be obtained directly from TM2 by the use of crystal violet, anti- biotics, etc. Can you dig out the details of this? The presumption is that Ta2 is al- ready lysogenic for a phage for which no good indicator was available; have you any other information that wuld bear this out, or that might be of prac~ tical utility in producing FA from TM2 by chemicals: I do not have the data on the concentrations of the chemicals that were used. With best regards, Tours sincerely, | 7 Jgéiia Ledvrberg ie ¥