May 2%, 1955 Dear Norton: Eather ami I much appreciated your hauling us about, not to mntion your com pany. We had an excellent visit. We talked about followaing your unstable-lysogenicitg—mitant in chains. I can see enough difficulties that it may be hard to do a clean experiment, but having it around if you care to semi it, may help impel doing it. I checked your terminal report on Fla+ transduction —x SW 543. It leasta 27 tests altogether, with FA; all give b's, 7 gave i's also. There were 71 control tests (not{ spec. whether no FA, or heated FA), but only 7 gave any motiles, 4of then i, 3b. In conversation, you implied you had gotten several dosen more spontaneous reversions—- do you have more data, or did you mean you had done the 71 at tempts? Youys giocerely ’ RON A, oshua Lederberg