+ February 26, 1955 Dr. Norton Zinder Roektefoelles:: Institute New York 21, N.Y. Dear Nobgon: As you probably know, Alan Geren hasbeen tnewiring about: the poss!- bility of spending a postdatoral fellowship here next year, I would like te ask your advice about it, Have you discussed this with him yourself? Would he have learned from you or from Dave Skaar very well the wind of procran we have had going here? I have tried to find from Garen himself just what he's after, byt am afraid I did not vet that question across, Actually, ia addition to our ow lab, facilities, it would not be too difficult to arran-:‘e for some work at the Enzyme Institute or in the aew Bacteriolozy buildings, for biophysical experiments. The main thing I'd like to ask you about is just what you think of Garen, and what ke might get out of a fellowship here (and what he would bring to us in turn). IT wonder if you know aneckkexmcbemivax a girl at CS! who vor:s Jor Evelyn ~~ Constance Thomas, who is applying for a zraduate assistantenip, Io so, he ado you think she would fit in? Larry told me something of your experiment on "restoration of phage", but I am afraid I did not get a very coherent account of it, My brother Seymour has told me of some experiments they've done at Tllinois on the restoration of UV'd bacteria with phage, and I wondered i> this has anything to do wit. itf Laryy also forwarded your bill of maferials, and we are vetting these together for you. However, I don't caiite see how "stable transductions" fit in. In the first place, all the Gal-- 's zive neterogenttic clones after transduction; in addition, apparently stable Galy nave been found, in greater or lesser proportfion with different stocks in different experiments, However, I am inclined to think that the stable occurrencee are secrevates out of iattial heterozemmkotes which happened to fall apart early, during intidal purification. Of morksm course all the heterogenetes sooner or later throw stable serrePahis of the various parental and crossover types/ so the distincti mS, if any, are only a matter of timing. But Larry didn't tell me enough of vour idea to see why the heterogenotes would not be quite as informative as the stable secre:g 1t4, As ne must have told you, we have not been able to find any vrnanbiomeus evidence of transduction by lytically crown lanbda (thouzh some observetioas of Esta te are still unsettled); since induced lambda involves treatment with UV, he planned to check whether lamplda erown on UV'd bacteria would be competent nis sounds like quite a different experiment from the one you're plansiac. If I thnce stand this at all, you should pick up transduction by phare harvested eve inputs. Since control lytic lambda does not show any obvious jevel of tr activity, you should be abie to get a fair answer fromf a f'sirly siaple stra forward experiment using any Galt ——x Gal-. (My mumch is thet this experiment would be Go cr kp more likely to work in 4 system where lytic lambda already shows some ransduciny activity. Have you tried wt with Salmonella or with PI/E. coli? With best tezards; Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederbers P.S. Don't you already have lambda, lambda-2, K-12, W-1485 stocks, or cant you get them readily from’ CSH ?