THE ROCKEFELLER INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH 66TH STREET AND YORK AVENUE NEW YORK 2i. N. Y. Hovember 21, 1952 Dear Josh: As a consequence of the postulated segregatational lag in transduction the transinductions should not be clonal, and I thought it of some import to study this in another way, and if it were so when and how long should also be answered, The preliminary experiments verify the conclusion amt, They were set up as follows: At time zero a number of EiB gal and NSA plates were spread with a known number of bacteria and phage ( gale, S” FA). The rest is obvious, respreading some plates after intervals of incubation with streptomycin as necessary and washing others for A 37 minutes inclding the initial lag. In order for any differences in growth rate . gave growth ratese fixe and one-half generations mex observed amt a generation time of tux between phage infected and non-infected bacteria to be equilibrated out § the initial multiplicity was about two. At about five’senerations the number of transinductions doubles while prior to that it is pretty level considering the large variance to be expected. With streptomycin a surprising thing happens, the number of zero points is almost as high as those after one generation. This iausxtmkig means that there must be a long delay in SM action which is both advantageous and disadvantageous. We can't study the phenomic lag but then again phenomic lag doesn't much enter into our scoring of the repositioned transinduc&Sions.. A good unrelated phage resistance marker would help. Do you think that replica plating is efficient enough to do further work with that procedure, or is it only useful to say that something is clonal and not vice versa? Of course reconstruction experiaments must be done to show that growth rates are equivalent and the lowera&ng of the growth rate of the cell in the process of transductior ruled out by use of sufficient number of characters. Best regards Sincerely, Pale