THE ROCKEFELLER INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH 667TH STREET ANP YORK AVENUE NEW YORK 21. N. Y. November 17, 1952 Dear Josh: The weather played us a mean trick and I was most disappointed. Had hoped that iffyou had to be weather bound it would be herdas from the airport we were bound for a gathering at the "Sagers" which you would have enjoyed. The 541, 565 xylose story seems to be as follows; 541 is composed of a mixture of predombnantly xyl slows (score as the transducees) a few xyl+ and still fewer xyl-. $65 is xin all probability a mitant of the slows and therefore a two gene difference from the wild type + and hence is only transduced to slow by the full plus LT-2.Unfortunataly it is here that transduction fails us techically, Study of these intermediates would possibly give @ us an independent allogenic transformation but the selection is impossible, Have been mulling over your last letterjon pnase variation and am disturbed by the following. When LT-2 ~ id x- abony phase variation remains, If I understood you it should disappear as both the recipient and the donor are in the alternativé “released “condition, thus the suppressed antigen in the demmerrecipient should be lost with the antigen,paralleling their relationship in FA. The transducee having both antigens in a single cell should not migrate under the conditions of the experimant. Since the transduction does occur and phase variation ensues , the latter would seem to be completely cytoplasmically initiated and controlled,although having a more or less permanent affect on nuclear genes. Have been doing very little with transduction of late other than checking which of the auxotrophic singles you sent will be skable enough foo further analysis. My time is spent grinding up spleens and determining the ratios and total counts of virulent and avirulent cells therein, ‘The results are beginning to come in and I believe we @ill be able to make some sense out of both the role of heterogeneity in the bacterial population and its relation to nutrition in this disease model, . Bertani's results with phage superinfection seem to clarify and verify my own conclusions with regard to the interference experiments.He found that superinfection with a lytic variant leads to a rapid increase in the amount of this phage present and then its dissappearance, the survivors all carrying the parental phage.More careful analysas of own variant shows that it is also lytic, at least for certain typhimuri Mend gallinarut™* The experiment then answered another question for which a more direct answer would have been impossible--Ds lytic viruses also transduce? Received my copy of Stocker's tome today and there is little I can add to your discussion of the publication of the flagellar story to date.I do feel that things should either be not mentioned at all or gone into as far as results permit.Tracks and so forth should be developed, I'm not sure of the phase varaision story as there apparently are some inconsistencies, Further docunentation of puage FA identity should not be included as it is quite irrelevant to the main themeand is the subject of a paper which I was going to discuss with you had we net this weekend. Sincerely, Ohi K P jdm ordered |