October 28, 1952 Dear Norton: I hope all of the cultures will have arrived safely—— let me know if any replacements are needed. Some sort of ploture of variation is emerging from experinents with abony ~x typhimurium. (-x signifies transduction to, x transinduction by]. SW-§35 is not entirely satisfactory: ite motility ani phase—variation are somewhat erratic.I have been using LT-2. In general, FA from phase 2 8 no trace of the phase 1 factors. This was_spparent in your ty me~ —~% typhi, and sver: more strikingly in tym x S¥~543 and ab x SW-543. To dhe extent of a limited nunber of teste this also holds up in abony -x tym. In wany cases, the second phase evidently cannot be maintained in a ponophasic type sush as SW-543 or typhi. [the 1,2 phase in 3W-534 and ~588 muy be exceptional, see beluw], The following results have been obtained with ubony -x LT-2+, abony?2 -x + NEDO 80 enx <4 1 abony 7 -x : b — 1,2 Tf thie result man be generalized, we have the following conclusions: 1) The alternative phase is not inherent in’ the transdpoed allele 2) The alternative phase is not represented in any aotive fora in the FA 3) ce a ternative phase ig retained in an inactive state in the recipient cell. &) The specific and non-specific are, in ganeral, homologues at two distinct joci, but are not allelic to each other [5] Monophasicity may be accounted for in som cages by the unsuitability of the residual genotype for the expression of the alternative phase. fn ather cases, it my have to do with the frequency of the shift itself. The consideration of 2} with 3) leads to a paradox. In previous thinking, I had specuhAted about a phase-shifting locus whose autation determined the of either phase; one could imagine a "cytoplasaic state" mechanism in s terms. But whatever type of suppression of one locus 1s involved is pot separable from it by tranaduction. If we accept shat transduction Le makxx confined to nuclear factors, usually single, we have to infer more or lass permanent gene states, autually exclusive as between the two looi. This sounds rather like McClintock. One can also imagine that one locus is replicated many fold, elther into the cytoplasa (gene-initiated plasmggenes) or at the locus itself, like Huskins’ lamellae. I don{t want to go to far in speculative analogies mukkk with somatic differentiation until the facts are more thoroughly established. I am fairly convinced, however, that phase variation is not a mitation in the ordinary sense, bat a semi-permanent inactivation, of some sort, of one of a pair of loci— the inactivation being so closely associated with the locus that it is not separated by transduction. I had thought that the monophasic behavior of SW-543 H” could be understood by its inability to sustain the 1,2 phases. Stocker showed, however, that SR-~534 -x 543 gave 1,2, and I have confirmed this, also ruling oub the possibility of contamination. 43% SW-534 itself reverts occasionally to give the 1,2 phase (9.g. SW-588). More recently, I have gone back to what I regarded as SW~-703 (i.e. Edwards #3) which should be equivalent to SW-533, the source of SW-534. However, FA (SW-703) either Il or I gave only b, and no 1,2 from SW-543. It is rather important, therefore, to trace the history of these cultures accurately. Unfortunately, at the time these experiments were done, not too great care was taken to identify the serotypes. In the lyophii collection, there is an anvelope labelled S. paratyphi B, with no other designation. I have assumed that this represents Edwards #3, on the one hand, and the parent of 534, SW-533 on the other. Is there any possibility that this is incorrect? To add to the confusion, there was a contaminating Salmonella, so far untypable, in the stock culture of S$Bx'"Paratyphi B #3", but I don't think this is related to the present question. At any rate, it would help to clear this up if you could send back to me any cultures that you may have under the des{friation SW-533, or Edwards 3, or any others that might be confused with these. Please alsp record how they have been jabelled in your hands, and perhaps the situation can be clarified. Sinceraly, Joshua Lederberg P.S. Thanks for the check, which has been forwarded. It will help.