October 4, 1951. Dr. L. Ssilard, Institute of Radioblology, University of Chicago, Chisago 37, Illinois. Dear Ssilard: Thank you for so expeditiously looking for arrangements for Kileneberger. I just had a letter from her suggesting that sheemight come to the alduest about the first of December, to give her time to viet on the East Coast. I had not previously mentioned the possibility of her stopping-over at Chicago, but feel sure that she would like to. I am not sure that I understood just what kind of work you had in aind with the "l-forme” (if that is what Zinder's granules are) although there is certainly an unlimited range of possibilities. Since you have expressed your interest, I wonder if I might not bring a constructive possibility to your attention. Zinder will be "graduating# this Spring, and looking for a job. He will be available July 1, hating earned hie Ph.D. in Medical Microbi@logy and Genetics. What would you think of the posdibility of hia working with you either as a postdoctoral fellow, or preferably on some sort of staff appoint ment? You have probably seen him enough to be able to form your own iapree- sions of his capabilities. He has finally learned how to design an experi- ments; he has always had a quick intelligence and been an industrious worker (at least for the work that interests him}. From what other people have said, I may have in inadequate appreciation of him ayeahf, possibly from having had to live with him during hie more formative years. I have no doubt that as he matures, he will become an increasingly good, possibly an excelleat rescarcher, He is well capable of responsibility én a researoh program, but I think can still benefit from a sympathetic but stern handling of his captious ideas. He is a very congenial person in the laboratory. I have no hesitation in recommending that you take him én, if you could work it out. I am also sure that he would benefit from the association. One additional desideratua of such an arranggment would be the possibility (though of course not the obligation) of collabosstive work on aspects of mutual interest. Zinder supports two dependents, and would probably regard $4000 (possibly somewhat more for a HCL area) as a minimus salary. Both of us would appreciate your comaente- 7 7 Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg