daly 28, 1950. Mr. Norton Zimer, Dept. Genetics, Univereity of Wisconsin, Madison 6, WLeoensin. Dear Nerton- Thanks for your letter ani fer sending the evltures and dye. the TZ arrived here in good shape. 2xeunktxewentioskether The cultures have not yot arrived, but should soon. The Public Health Servieo has officially confirsod ranewal of the Salmmelle research grant. Kew blanket ordere will have to be written cemencing August 1, on tho ronewal funie. I an rocoaiend ing an advancement of your salary ¢o $1400 per annum, but this will be geverhed by university pelicy on assiatantship otiperkie as mush ae by the availability of funds. The BSiechemistry account shoul be paid out of current funda, and net be ollowed to carry over to next your. Tt may console you to seme extent with reapeet te the PHS followship to learn that a postdoctoral candidate here at Oal. likewiee failed to win one, on which he had heped te work on microbial ceneties at Madieon next year. At any rate, we will have a little more roon te turn around in. The following itema need attention: cultures of K-12 to a) Dr. Albert Kelner, Biological Labe., Harvard Unive, Oambridge 55, Mase. b) Mise Dorothy Lane, Dept. Physiology, U. Ohiocage, Ghd s 37, tll. Also, please send Mise Lane a postoard atating our oteck number ~- WN-??71- assigned to a purineless mutant of K-12 received from Dr. Noviok. The culture probably haa a mumber in the 1000 or 1100 series, end is clearly listed in the steeklist as received from Nevick, seurce K-12, Z am sorry to learn that your recent, results are still not clearcut. Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg