Pacific Grove, California. July 15, 1950. M¥. Norton Zinder, Departuent of Genetice, University of Wisconsin, Madison 6, Wis. Dear Norton: 80 far, I have not received any word concorming the ronewnal of the NIA grant for the Salmonelle research next year, but this ie probably maly a delay by Congress in the passage of the appropriation billie. All mail hence should be forwerded to Berkeley. Ye will be paseing through there enrly next week, but will probably travel northward for come days before setting there. ZI hope, by now, that you will have received a statement frem the accounting office, via Sette, concerning the balance remuintng in the 1949-50 “I! account, exptring July 32. after your July salary ia deducted, and allowance made fer Saryenbruch's pay, tho balanee enn all be used for general eupply purchases. It may be advisable te check the Acotg Off statement as to whether it inolules tha comiit¢sent for your calary. Two other things to check: .}) thosheet metal. shop, for cont ani delivery on the pinette scans axl stainless otefl trays which were ordere’ some tine ago, wri bj} Vr. Seymour, in Blochon. stores, for any anount ovtetanding that wa ove hhn for ohenleale. Rach of thoae chaouli also be paid from 49-50 “IH, but if there ia any confucion, bettor send me the deteile. Alea, have you received the centrifuge head bacl:, .@ yot, Crom Sorvall? Bette should, at least, have reecivad an entimate fram them for the eost of the balancing ad juetnent. I hops you will have made some tolerable oljuetment of your finanofal problens. Qan you report anything by way of ecientifio orogress’ Ara. those erosses paterialising? I saw Byatt, Jann and Salle (stavh transformation) at UCLA Tvenday» You were right! ~ alocho] on p 78), 7 lines up from hotten, refers to anyl, not ethyl! What a etyléS Miss Byatt ecaid that the prepara~ tiene are by no means uniformly successful. They don't seem te be deing much more with the system. Please give our regards to Dr. Brink, Crow, and Genetica mtx at large. It'a really gold out hore. Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg