April 12, 1950. Dear Dr. Stone: I am writing this letter on behalf of Mr. Norton D. Zinder, who is applying for a Predoctorate Research Fellowship from the National Institutes of Health. I wrote such a letter at the time that his application was submitted, but I am quite willing to amplify my remarks. Mr. Zinder is not a finished research worker at this time, nor could he be expected to at this time. It is expected, however, that he will complete his doctorate thesis work in approximately two years, during which time I foresee that he will develop into a researcher of considerable ability and independence. He is potentially quite brilliant. Coupled with his enthusiasm, this trait should carry him quite far if the rough edges of his thinking are polished, as they should be, and if his critical faculties continue to sharpen at a rate concordant with his past progress. He is, at present, engaged as an assistant on a research project supported by the N.I.H., "Genetics of Salmonella", which has involved so much routine work--isolation and characterization of biochemical mutants--that, in my opinion, his intellectual capacities have not been sufficiently engaged. However, he is doing a very creditable piece of work on this project. Academically, he is quite quick, and is one of the better graduate students both in genetics and in bacteriology, a double intellectual load which would test anyone's mettle. He is quite a personable fellow, cooperative in the laboratory, and well-liked by his fellow students. There is no basis for questioning his integrity or his loyalty to the Government of the United States. I am pleased to recommend his appointment. If Mr. Zinder is awarded a fellowship, a downward revision of RG 1445 (C2)'s current budget will be in order. However, as it may be then desirable to review our research personnel generally, it is hoped that discussion of this point can be deferred for the time being. Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Assistant Professor of Genetics