Avgeost 20, 1949. ae. N. OD. Zinder, Carnecte Institution, Cold Soring Harbor, N.Y. Dear Norton: Iam sorry not to have been able to answer your letter soonsr, but have just returned from a trip. Your data certainly appear to he dnconzistent with ntre for the frequency of the V,* Lae~ recoubination class, and I dontt see offhand just why they should be. I would suggest that you yourself make a direct comparison of crosses not involving S& with those which ac, Ioen not clear how you crossed ths resistants with the dspencenisatIf the cross wis carried ont on strentonyetn-lacting nedius, I tae it that you would have the cppertunity cf recovering streptsycinesensitive recombiaanta unless sr and sd were alielic, tnt ould Lose any ad prototrcpns. Tha lous of these ad protetrophs wight be expected te bLlas the segregatioas of enay factors linked to sd, which does seen to be happening (919 x sdl: you wrote this as Leet x Lact, but I assume that you meant sal to be TLB;- Lac~ ¥)". In this instamce, the near absence of V)* prototrcphe indiestes a linkage of sd te Ye) > Tour suggestion that. er may have a "slight" recutreceut for streptomycin fits the data given very well, but you should control your observations on the Las Vy segregations with experiments on the stroptorgein sensitive paventes. It would be dangerous to assum that the modified responses to Sleep iutlusasulie resulted from maltiple allelism, without experizents crossing ad's ard crts with sss (wild type) and looking for exchanges of the modified character (a.g. st x + night give some recombinant sd‘'a, or the comvarse.) Is thts what you zesn by your cutcrosses? With regard to crosses of sr x sd on streptomycin medium, I wonder whether you have checked the sd parenta to ascertain whether they have any nutritional require- ments beyond streptonyoin? £.Q., will adel grow on ainimal + TLB, + streptomycin? Will sd x ad give prototrophs on steeptomycin medium? But alec remember that linkage of sr to appropriate nutritional markers will also give all resistant prototrophs. Instead of using heterozygotes, which are more complex than ever, why not simply do reverse crosses (i.e. BM sr x TLB, + and compare with BM + x BLB, sr)? I would be interested to try an experiment here with sr in a heterozygote, primarily to ascertain doninance. Demerec has assented to this, and I would appre- ciate it if you could ask hin to take along cne or two strains, It would not be especially casy to determine cytoplasale inheritance with the heterosygotes at the obey pong because of the possibility of hebhsy, gosity which would also prevent segregation. The more I have thought on the natter, the more convinced I am that we should dispense with all extraneous iesues on the Salmonella program, and devote a lot of time when you return to the production of mutants 4n one Salmonella strain after another, until one is found with a workable recombina- tion system. Therefore, I think it very well-considered that you are letting the phage problen lie, and hope that we will not be terpted to resurrect it. Don has been turning out mtants from new colf straine at a great rate, and I think that the same procedure should be used with Salmonella. L. Cavalli has written that he has discovered another coli strain which recombines with X-12. The ice is being broken. Cavalli has also discovered asderivative of 58161 which recombines very, very frequantly, and using his "fr" stock, I have been able to do crosses entirely on complete medium, and get data on unbiased segregations from non-persistent zygotes. The results tie in very well with the conclusions from the mapping of Mal and Gal in prototrophs, and their segregations &n the persistent heterozygotes that the segregations are not normal. There isa very definite elimination mechanism which limits the kinds of segregants and recom binants which can be found. Complementary recombinations are not produced with equel frequencies (if at all), and it is impossible now to accept a simple interpretation of any mapping data. Therefore I would not take too seriously your difficulties with Lac and V,, but agree with Dew rec that the important point is the use of redombination to detect allelism. The situation may be parallel to Auerbach's unstable centromere (Genetics Jan. '47) but Le still very murky. Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg