THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Madison 6 DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS June 25, 1948. Mr. Norton Zinder, 2850 Claflin avenue, New York 63, N.Y. Dear Mr. Zinder, Although I have not yet heard from your references, as I explained in my previous letter, I have decided to take a chance and recommend you for a Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation Kesietahtphifh effective July 1. Although formal action by the Borzrd of Regents will be required, it is unlikely that there will be any untoward development. Can you be here by the lst of July, or very soon thereafter ? There would still be time to register (late) for summer session. If you prefer, you can begin in the Fall provided you take care of the bacteriology laboratory experience that I suggested previously. Please telegraph your acceptance and conditions attached thereto. Under the circumstances, this award will have to be on a probationary basis, deperiding on your performahce this summer and the completion of your letters of refernce.