DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY OFFICE OF THE SURGEON GENERAL WASHINGTON 25, D.C. IN REPLY REFER TO : MEDDH-TD 095 (Lederberg, Joshua) 24 June 1954 Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics College of Agriculture University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Professor Lederberg: I was very glad to meet you and Mrs. Lederberg at the dedication ceremonies of the Microbiological Institute at Rutgers, and I felt a pride of relationship in seeing you on the platform among the select speakers in the conference on horizons and perspectives. Your lecture was very interesting and full of new information for me, It represents a sort of revolution establishing rational biological concepts for older bacteriologists, and promising future lines of research. I have enjoyed the reprints you sent me, Please keep me on your mailing list. With high regard and best wishes, Sincerely yours, Ah, Baape- S. Bayne-Jongs, M.D. Technical Direct of Research