June 18, 1348. Dr. George Nobbe, Dept. of Fnglish, Columbia College, New York 27, Weis Dear Dr. Nobbe, ily, Norton Zinder, Columbia College '47, has applied here for a research Shsistaniship to support graduate work in the genetics of miorcorganiams. It is very late in the year for such matters, but wo are still considering hin, Could you write me concerning the Pre-edical Comnattee's evaluation of iy, Zinder? I note that he has applied, unsuccessfully, for admission to medical schools for the past two years. Is this just hard luck, @e le there a more compelling reason? Your prompt attention to this note would be greatly appreciated, ag the final deadline for the allocution of these funds is very near. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg * Assistant Professor of Genetics. *Columbia '44. If you hadn't heard earlier, you my be a little surprised at my present address, After spending 2 couple of years at P&S, I became sidetracked on some research, during an elective quarter. The upshot was that I took a Ph. D. at Yale instead of finishing Medical School, and am now happily installed here in a good research job. Beat regards, |