Columbia University in the City of New York New York 27, N.Y. DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY April 16, 1962 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Stanford, California Dear Josh: Thanks for your suggestion that Cold Spring Harbor should be turned into an institute for peace. I have referred your suggestion to Ed Tatum and we have discussed the mat- ter. Both of us feel that the immediate problem is to es- tablish an entity which can carry the laboratories forward. I believe we are succeeding in doing this. The second step will be to give the laboratories an appropriate scientific or intellectual direction for the future. This will, of course, involve a new director and must incorporate his thoughts. I hope we can secure someone who is not only held in high regard by his peers but who has good imagination, and is sensitive in the world of intellect. I hope you and Esther had fun in Japan. With all best wishes. , Sincerely yours, “Francis J. Ryan FIR: 1w li vh Vv f Sanat