September 18, 1961 Or. Francis J. Ryan Department of Zoology Columbla University New York 27, New York Dear Francis: ! will be coming Into New York for a New York Academy of Sclences conference Thursday and Friday, October 5 and 6. Perhaps this was Just wishful thinking, but | seem to recall an invitation to stay with you on such an occasion, and | am writing now to ask you whether this would be convenient. in any case, | hope not to miss an opportunity to see you and Betty. If this should discomnode you In any wey at the present time, may i ask you to book Into the Barbizon Plaza Hotel, where the meetings will be held, as an expedient alternative. 1 will be coming up from Washington, probably by an evening plane Wednesday night, October 3; tf there Is any problem locating you In the phone book, | might ask you to write to let me know your present address and phone number. | will be leaving for home again Fridey evening. With best regards, Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg