i x ye = E 3 DEPARTMENT OF STATE THE SCIENCE ADVISER ee NE January 2, 1959 Dear Professor Lederberg: We were very much interested in receiving your letter of December 29, 1958 and appreciate your suggestion of Professor Francis J. Ryan for the post of Deputy Science Officer in Tokyo. He is without doubt an excellent man and I am certain that he would make an ideal Science Officer in our program abroad, particularly in Japan. I have known Francis for a number of years -- since 1947 I have been a menber of the Chemistry Depart- ment at Columbia and for a time we use to clay handball together in the gym (which as a former Columbia College student you must remember well) -- and when I joined the staff here he immediately came to my mind as a possible candidate for one of our posts abroad. However, one of the Tokyo posts had already been filled by a zoologist although we had to wait for the usual clearances and yaper work before it could be announced which was only a few weeks ago. Since it is our policy not to have two scientists in the same general field at the same post, we have recently selected a physicist (who incidentally speaks Japanese) as the Deputy Science Officer in Tokyo and hope to make an official announcement later as soon as all his pacers have gone through the mill. When I was in New York City in late October I dropped in to see francis in his laboratory in Schermerhorn and had a long and very pleasant talk with him. I pointed out to him that our program is a continuing one and that we hoped he weuld be a candidate for one of our overseas posts at some later date. He seemed to be quite interested and I only hope that we will be able to utilize his services some time during the next few years. I could not agree with you more in what you say about him in your letter and I can assure you that we shall do everything we can to bring him into our program whenever it may be possible. Sincerely yours, Abn atl L. H. Farinholt ce: Dr. G. We Beadle Deputy Science Adviser Frofessor Joshua Lederberg, Genetics Building, University of Nisccnsin, Madison 6, Wisconsin.