October 15, 1956 Dear Francis—- Well, welcome to you and Betty back to the states. You mst have incredible energy to take on this Genetics Congress chore so soon, when you mst have a mountainous backlog on your desk. You must know that the concept of bigger and better meetings doesn't generate a gurning passion in my breast, but these policy mattera xem evolve in a different forum, and I'll be glad to cooperate if Iocan. The mriet in Wisconsin is not too good, but Brink may have some good ideas— he has already suggested an enquiry to WARF. How did State universities and experiment stations manage their earlier "bequests" were they"contributions” to the fund, or did they arrange for a specific passage in coordination with the Committee? We hope we will see you before too long but can't say just when we'll be in N.Y. again. I've cut down drastically on my travelling commitments- just too busy here. flowever there is a fair chance we (sic-plural hopefully) will be going to a Ciba mtg. in March, very likely through NY, so perhaps then. The PRAS that came out today says som thing of what I've been interested in lately, above the accumulated traditions. Since then, the protoplasts have been turning into L-forms, but they're not doing anything genetically interes- ting. It is rather optimistic of ms to send this pile of stuff now, but here it is anyhow. Sincerely, Josima Lederberg