December 17, 1952 Dr. F. J, Ryan Departrent cf Zoology Columbia University New York 27, “.%. Dear Prancis: The library here finally disinterred ite copy cf the Journal of the Royal Statietical Society. Thank you for your offer te send me yours; it will not be nsceseary after all. I must adit that I am left only with the conviction that the only method of measuring nvtation rates fe in the chemostat, barring an unwonted emmunt of work. I agres with your conclusion that 4% is sanewhat aurprieing that the experimental dietributiona of mmbere of mutants agres with the idealized model ae well as they do. IT eannot rake eny suggestions on your projected piaeric to Nature anent Grigg. It ie oleerly put, and mscte the tanves. I sovetimee wonder at what point ome should forbear from replying te irrational controversy. That point has been passed with Winahelweod, as far as IT con see-~- there's no diecusaion with hir on general principles, seneainiliy atter your last note in JGM. My own rasclnticn 4s to ignore hia nonsares, though there might be seme ve'ue fn clearing up his cm exnerfiantsa] axampler. Y wae impressed on re-reading Velerv-Radotts Life of Pestaur how mich tins he woated beating dead horses! Wheat wee the craft of your remark or Doeton? To had te anke a hurried trip, flying in one day, back the next, cr noma at al! and av very sorry not to have beer able to make an occanion to see you. It accurre’ to Esther and myself that we know hardly anyone now living still in New York —- her folke, the Ryane et el at Columbia, Zinder; Devia.... The genetic analyeie of phase variation ese. to be beldi-g vp, though the story ie net complete vet. Tre "setiveted loves" may te intercreted in various waye-~ for exemple, ite stabllity in e given stete cay dovend on a cycle from nucleus to cytoplasm to nucleus, e notion thet would bring thie fairly close to Sonneborn's ant&gans. All of thie 1s purely hypothetical. Perhaps more interesting, I wae emupedeed to fini that in st leset one syetem the plaque-forming ability of vhaze could he almost oonpletely dastreyed with scarcely any (ninairrent of trensduction. Thie raises the ressibility of investigating the rotential transducing abilities of ""49o4cal"" phages like T2. Tom seene to find life here reasonobly pleatant-- as you sayy per- hape this ic why vou'we heard less from him. Sinceraly, Jeshua Lederberg