Deer Francis, pre- You may remember mentioning agi medical stud-:nt naned Zinder or sonsthing Like that as a possible good candidate for a yserts work here under ar. assittantship. Ie he interested? I gawen't heard from him. The mitants get to be more commlicauted all the tims. A temperature sensitive allel of lac; has been found which is at 40° (as Lac,— ig at all temperatures) but is Aff at 30. At 32 itis 4, 3 at 36 it is 4. ! This sertainly seema to be a pleiotropic mtation in every sense of the term. I don't see how it is going to be possible te ascertain the primary effect of the gene, but something may turn up. Vital dyes for coli might interest you in facilitating observation of mierocolonies. The redox indieatar 2,3,5 triphenyltetrazolium chloride may be a good bet. In the presence of an oxnidisable substrate, coli cells reduce this colorlese sempound to the red, insoluble formazan derivative, and for reasons yet unknown accumulate the pigment in (usualig) a single granule near one end of the cell. The mleroseopic picture is very striking] You oan get the compound as "HZ reagent from Paul Lewis Laboratories, 4253 W. Pt. Washington Road, Nilweukee 12, They probably will be glad to give you a gram ar so gratis, Bven merely ae an ensyme iadicator, this compound probably has wery good potentialities. Best regards, Joshua Lederberg