Columbia Gniversity inthe Citpof Hew Pork [NEW YORK 27,N. ¥.] DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY January 11, 1947 Mr, Joshua Lederberg Osborn Botanical Laboretories Yale University New Haven, Conn, Dear Josh, After my talk at C.S.H. this past summer I enouired of Sol and Vernon and wes told that no discussions had been submitted to follow my paper. However, now that I have oroof I find 4 versons, including yourself, actually did submit discussions for publication. On Demerec's OK I am now working up my ow answers to these comments. In order to achieve accurecy and continuity I must ask to meke & chenge in your discussion. Pirie noted the slope of the curve and the value for the leucine content of wild tyoe which I mentioned and asked ebout the efficiency of leucine utilization. I gave the accurate relation (2.3 inetead of 2.5) and referred the question to you for elabora- tion. Hence, I propose that the discussion read as indicated on the enclosed sheet. Demerec wanted me to send you this revision, Ou? Regards, Sincerely, . Francis J. Ryan FIR:O'B enclosure