Pout a ANU BS STAAINPU RE Uleie ern oit hl © UFrrile MEMURANDUA. FO fis ir ORD To From SUBJECT: Date: April 22, 1974 Joshua Lederberg Sidney Drell a I looked into the question of the ARPA contract and the concerns of Hammerschlag about ethnic warfare. My contact at ARPA is Dr. Niedenfuhr. He said that the ARPA order and program plan has now been retired. It was a straightforward nutrition study, the plan of which was to help underdeveloped nations meet their own food wants. The ARPA con- tribution was less than $3 million and consisted primarily of a survey and estimate of the five-year food needs for Africa he said. The agent carry- ing ou. this program for ARPA was NIH. ARPA simply gave the money to NIH according to Dr. Niedenfuhr. There certainly was no ethnic warfare aspect in this and Niedenfuhr told me that he had spoken with Hammerschlag and had come to the conclusion that Hammerschlag thinks ARPA is evil. Niedenfuhr has also told Hammerschlag that for any technical comments or competence in connection with this program he should direct his questions to NIH. Finally, Niedenfuhr has prepared a three or four page summary of the ARPA program which best documents what happened and has been trying to get Steve Luskasik, the ARPA director, to release it. He is not sure he will be successful, but we can perhaps exert more pressure if you want to see it. Niedenfuhr was totally cooperative throughout my discussion and the main thing is that the program is now retired and there is no follow-on. Niedenfuhr's office number is 694-1139. SDD: br I don't see why ARPA should want to hold back on such a thing, nor how they could if the point is raised in a FOI Act action. However, I think that Hammerschlag has been reasonably well satisfied about this particular project by now so there may not be that much more to be gained by a strong push on Lukasik. Hammerschlag eventually contacted Blackwell directly, and I think this gave him the information he most urgently demanded. pao Hyaxt, WNGNVYOWIW 351ddO @ ALISYFAINN GYOANVIS @ : WNGNVYOW3W 331ddO © ALISYTAINN GYOINVLS © WNMGNVYOWIW JDO © ALISYZAINN GYOINVLS ¢