Memo from To: Dr Blackwell JOSHUA LEDERBERG MAR 15 1974 re; Hammerschlag correspond. Thank you for sending me this material, and for having taken the trouble to send it. Your effort may have been well-spent if it fore- stalls even more vexatious and less well-infor- wed allegations in future. Human genetics is under concerted attack from many diverse quarters (think of the slogans connected with racism and 'right-to-life') and it will not be easy to escape spending a great deal of time on trivia. You were justifiably startled to be the target of groundless suspicions -- as would be anyone who understood the role and traditions of the Navy Medical Corps. Not many people have the experience or sophistication to understand the differences between different branches of our defense establishment, and the record of other branches for candor (consider the Army's hand- ling of the Skull Valley accident, for exam- ple) can hardly help but fuel such suspicions. At any rate, I hope we can look forward to am early termination of this particular hassle. Would you be kind enough to send me copies of your bibl. items 105 (sic), 106 and 107? Dr Chow had sent me some earlier reports on that study, and I would be interested to learn of its outcome. Sincerely, PROFESSOR JOSHUA LEDERBERG Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford Universit Stanford, California 94305