Box 14, MAMRU~2 APO San Francisco 96263 4, 71.38/RQB: sw 12 March 1974 Richard Hanmmerschlag, PhD Division of Neurosciences City of Hope National Medical Center 1500 East Duarte Road Duarte, California 91010 Sir, It apparently is current fashion to interpret all actions of people in the worst light and not to assume that people may act with only good intentions. A glaring example is provided by the completely erroneous assump-— tions made by you and your colleagues as put forth in your letter of 6 March. No BW, CW, or other W's except perhaps HW (Human Welfare) have ever been associated with any research projects at NAMRU-2. In fact there have never been classified projects of any kind here. Concerning my work in acreening Asian ethnic groups for hemoglobin variants, haptoglobins, and G-6-P D de ficiency rates, that was strictly my own personal interest and done on my own initiative. Sefore the issue of relevancy arose in 1969 we at NAMRU-2 were relatively free to work on projects of interest to us as long ag we also were earrying out the regular work related to the mission of NAMRU-2 which is to study the acute infectious diseases of Southeast Asia. Unfortunately that is no longer the case and hoth because of the relevancy issue and because of severe budgetary constraints my work in Asian ethnic groups has been drastically curtailed. There is no mystery at all about the ARPA funding I received for work here at MAMRU-2. It was obtained through Dr. Arnold EB. Schaefer who at that time (1964) was Executive Director of the Interdepartmental Committee On Nutrition For National Defense (ICNND). Among numerous sources of funding Dr. Schaefer's program received some money from ARPA. For several years beginning in 1965 I received funding from Dr. Schaefer's ICNND for earrying out nutrition work. Included in the budget was funding for laboratory equipment. Several sets of Technicon Autoanalyzer equipment were obtained in this manner and used primarily for the nutrition studies including amino acid analyses. One set of autoanalyzer equipment was nosed Primarily for amino acid analyses of peptides in hemoglobin structure work and on that basis acknowledgement of ARPA funding was made. I have checked my bibliography and find 26 papers in which ARPA support was acknowledged. These are circled in the enclosed liat of my publications. Among those 25 publications, 4 (#67, 74, 75, 86) concerned animal nutrition studies supported in part by the ARPA funding provided by Dr. Schaefer. Other publications of work directly supported by those funds are in preparation; all concern nutrition studies. The remaining 22 publications in which ARPA support is acknowledged are without exception concerned with hemoglobin structure studies in Asian ethnic groups. In all cases quantitative amino acid analyses were involved and therefore I acknowledged ARPA support because of the use o: the amino acic analyzer equipment. ‘he actual surveys themselves were not funded by ARPA nor, so far as I am aware, did ARPA personnel have any interest in them. My research reports on the nutrition studies were sybmitted to Dr. Schaefer's office and I had no contact with ARPA personnel. I am sure that Or. Schaefer can fill you in on some of the background surrounding his receipt of ARPA funding for nutrition studies. He currently is with the Pan American Health Organization in Washington, 0.C. So, there really was no sinister, nefarious plot on my part or on the part of NAMRU-~2 toe blot out especially chosen sect‘ons of mankind through genetically~induced chinks in their biological armor. On the contrary, there have been many excellent studies done at NAMRU-2 for the direct benefit of mankind, My own work in Asian ethnic groups can not be included among those studies because it has been simply basic work primarily of anthropological interest and the results are generally not really of any direct benefit to the subjects themselves. I have taken the time from my work to give you the above information not because I think it really is any of your business, nor as a courtesy from one worker in acience to another responding to a scientific question, but in the interest of truth and fair play. I hope you will show equal interest in truth and fair play and that when you are satisfied about the facts as I have given them to you, you will take time to make them known to everyone with whom you have previously corresponded on this matter. Yours, R. Quentin Blackwell Copy: Dr. R. H. Watten, NAMRU-2 Director, City of Hope Executive Director, ACS Dr. Arnold E. Schaefer, PAHO