MAR 1 5 1974 Box 14, NAMRU-2 APO San Francisco 96263 4.71.39/RQOB:sw 12 March 1974 Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford, California 94305 Dear Professor Lederberg: I wish to thank you very much for your kind letter of 6 March which arrived yesterday in the same mail with a letter from Dr. Hammerschlag. I enclose the reply which I prepared for him along with copies of my letters to Director of City of Hope and Executive Director of ACS, I'm really not in the habit of discussing my affairs with just any casual stranger whom I encounter but, nevertheless, I have given Hammerschlag the information he requested and, I hope, more than he asked for. Iam very sorry that a senior scientist like yourself should be caused to waste his valuable time on such trivia. It was very good of you to write to me so promptly and I am most appreciative. My best wishes. Sincerely yours, KO iiede R. Quentin Blackwell Copy: Dr. R. H. Watten, NAMRU~2