Memo from To: Dr R Q Eee - JOSHUA LEDERBERG USN Med Res Unit" #2 Box 14 MAR 6 1974 FPO Sen Freneisco 96263 ‘ Genetics Research connected with AGILE I have received se communicstion from a Dr. Hammerschleg at City of Hepe that needs to be taken very seriously es = potentiel source of mischievous misunderstanding. Some of his collesgues heve gotten the idea thet your work on hemoglobin polymorphisms-- since it ack- nowledged AGILE/ARPA support--. might be rela- ted in some way to the development of ethnic- specific chemical weapons! You will doubtless be hearing from Dr. Hammerschleg, and I fear that you might dismiss his inquiry out of hand if you did not understand the beckground, or the potentialities of (whet I trust is) a groundless. allegation. It is difficult (es- pecislly to peopIe who may be inexperienced in the dynemics of getting funding for medical research) to understand whet Hb variants have to do with the ARPA mission as defined in the appropriations process. I could well. understar your reluctance to be submitted to any process of justification, but my PLEA is that you do take such inquiries seriously,.aend respond as cendidly end factually as possible ebout the mission of ARPA Order Ho. 580, Program Plan 298; how it reIates to PHS "monitoring"; and - the scope and purposes of your own work there- under. I can too easily visusTize the flou- rishing of fentasies sbout populsticn-genetic research generslly thet would surpass the CAMELOT fiasco. If I can help in ony way to facilitate clear understanding, please csll upon me. Sincerelym PROFESSOR JOSHUA LEDERBERG Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 HS B2l 1900 ySBo} Chur? 2/73