3239 N Hackett Avenue Milwaukee, Wis. 53211 August 10, 1975 Dear Josh, The other day I learned of an unexpected temporary vacancy in the zoology department here at UWM (owing to illness of the incumbent: M Staab) -- teaching elementary genetics and a survey course in zoology, plus evolution in the spring term. With our youngest child starting school full-time this fall (across the street from the zoology dept!) I had looked forward to a gradual resumption of a scientific career, but never expected an opportunity to arise so speedily. Since there is a long-standing job freeze throughout the UW faculties, this was too good to pass up. And with the first day of term only 3 weeks off, there was no time to lose, so I applied for the opening the next day, and took the liberty of putting you down as a reference without your prior consent. In listing references I did suggest that it be kept in mind that a number of years had passed since my years in Madison. (I do not know whether you will be contacted directly or via me). [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] Subsequent to my applying, the bookstore tells me that no one has ordered any books or materials for any of these courses, so -- job forthcoming -- it looks as if it may be a very challenging year! Best wishes, Helen Bernstein Alec sends his regards.