July 12, 1953 Dear Dear Flvejhem: Miss HELEN L. BYERS is working, during the summer months, as a full- time assistant to me. She is not, during this time, engaged in her own research nor does she have tine devoted to classwork. Under the circumstances, I would recommend thet she rot be cbhliged to register for the summer session. If this canrot be aveided, would it be possible to incrd@ese her stivend by a compenc:itorr amount? Under the grant RF53:226 (under which she holds a 12-gonth appointment), there {is ancther award fcr ¢ 12-month appointment for which T have « candidate who will start cnly in Septerber, snd this might be a possible source. if this is also unacceptable, I will lock for this compensation from other sources, Yours respectfully, » Joshua Lederberg Associate Professor of Genetics P.S. This full-time arrangemsnt with Miss Byers will terminate at the end cf the summer, when she is to continue as a regular half-time assistant. I was not able to find another assistant for the summer months.