c/o PP. R. Edwards Box 185, Chamblee, Ga. February 3, 1953 Dear Helen: Everything seems to be going a6 well as expected. Your infectious disease course should be a useful complement to your previous work in immunology: this 4e precisely what I had in mind, As to the freezer, I think that Dr. Irwin should be able to give inetructions for its inetallationt 14 46 to go te the head of the staire in whatever arrangement will be most suitable for the ultimate arrangements there. By all means put out incoming reprints in the drawer. Ignore (and save) requests end acknowledgments. "Studies in Imounity" wae returned, to the beat of my recollection. You need not concern yourself with the card, Incoming campus mail should be left with Bette, to be forwarded at her discretion. The new boy might as well be signed up with Bette (have him f411 out 2 withholding forms; I will arrange about funds when I get back). The new size centrifuge tubes are intentional; I have some more caps on order as well. They should still fit into ‘the large centrifuge, I can't recall about the screw caps; just sit on ite Sincerely,