February 19, 1952 Mies Helen L. Byers University Apartments £304 Bloomington, Indiana Dear Miss Byers: Your letter of the 7th displayed, I think, coma good judgment. We are now reviewing the completed applications for assistantships. I am prepared to make a formal offer to you of the full-time assistantship which we have discussed. This is the only vacancy spen to you at the present time; I hope you will be disposed to accept it. The position will extend fer a full year, from (about) September 15, 1952 to the same date in 1953. You will be entitled to one month's leave to be taken as mutually arranged. The stipervi will be set at twice the eateblished rate for half-time assistants which 4a currently $110 per month. Your stipend will therefore be not less than $2640 for the year. It 4a understood that the position 48 in anticipation that you will sub- sequently undertake full-time graduate study in microbial genetics, al- though thie is to be subject to later decision. The duties will consist of the management and execution of the lab. routine; sssicstententn dg research program; and, if time permits, begin- ning work on your own. You will have to supervise and train a considerable number of dishwashees and other lab. helpers: undergraduate students with considerable turnover. It should be possible for most or all of the detail work (especially making up medium of many kinds) to be handled by these helpers. The amount of time you will have for courses and experimental work will depend on your managerial skill. In a general way, the job can be des- eribed as an executive kousekeeper. With respect to these duties, you will be responsible directly to me. The position permits the accumulation of residence credit on a half-time basie, although this is not likely to be a limiting factor. You should then be able to register for one moderate course-- always providing that you can get the lab's work done. If you sre prepared to forego academic statue altogether, a moderate up- ward adjustment in stipend might be possible. However, I do not recommend this unless the finaneisl benefit is absolutely indispensable. I am sincerely convinced that this will be o useful and rewarding experience. The management aspects will stant you in good sbead later on, and the routine itself will insure that you are thoroughly trained 4n our techniques and methods. Preylous experience with this kind of apprenticeship has been mutually satisfactory. On this basis alone, the proposed arrangement would be entirely commendable. The flexibility that it offers you and me with respect to your future plane only give it added weight. Meanwhile, for this semester and next sumer, I hope that you will be executing your announced plana to emphasize courses in microbiology. The better background you oan present, the easier you will find it to fulfill stated requisites later on. An application for admission to the Graduate School is either enclosed or sent in due course. This may be returned at any time during the next few months. You should list yourself formally as a candidate for the 1.5. and PheD. in Genetica; any necessary adjustmente may be made later on. Fees for full~ and half-time assistants are about 75/semestert non- resident fees are remitted. I hope you will promptly acknowledge your assent to these arrangements. If you have any questions or reservations, however, do not hesitate to raise them. dith cordial best wishes, Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg, Assdolate Professor ef Genetics