University Apartments £304 Bloomington, Indiana February 7, 1952 Dear Dr. Lederberg: After several days to think it over, I have concluded that the full-time position you mentioned as a possible alternative to a part-time assistantship has many decided advantages to it. Although I still wish to be considered for a regular assistantship, in the event that I should not succeed in obtaining one I would very much want to come on the full-time basis. Could you please let me know definitely whether or not the position would be available to me under these circumstances, and if so exactly what the terms and duties would be? In the course of our interview you asked whether I would care to make any statements about my transcript. I did not at that time because it is not ny custom tomake excuses. However, in re-examining the record, I feel that perhaps I ought to mention two points. First, particularly during my undergraduate work I suffered from a rather exhausting chronic infectious sononucleosis that even caused my withdrawal from school during my second semester. Second, I come from a large family that, following the war, underwent a number of very unfortunate difficulties which affected me especially in the years 1948 and 1949. Though I personally feel that both of these troubles are reflected in my marks, I would not request anyone to take them into account in forming a judgement. However, since you did ask, I decided I might as well mention them. The zrades for this semester have just been published. Enclosed is the official report which will bring ypur copy of my record up-to-date. Also, Dr. Muller has asked me to tell you that I audited Dr. Luria's virus course which he used to zive here. I must add that this was a lone time azo, when I was relatively uninitiated scientifically; still, it must have been at least somewhat beneficial. The trip to Madison certainly was of great value in allowing me to discuss matters with you and to see the conditions there first-hand. Thank you very much for suzgzesting that I make the visit. Sincerely yours,