University Apartments £304 Bloomington, Indiana January 26, 1952 Prof. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Deay Dr. Lederberg: Under separate cover I am forwarding to you my "Application for University Fellowship, Scholarship, or Assistantship." Enclosed with it is a reprint of the publication of the research I did at Woods Hole this last summer. The Office of Records and Admissions of the university is sending my transcript, and you should have received it already. Provided that it is convenient with you, I shall plan to visit the University of Wisconsin on the weekend beginning February 1, which is next Friday, for an interview and a visit. This is the only time I have been able to work into my schedule, but if for some reason it would be impossible to see you at this time, please let me know. I am sorry not to have notified you earlier, but I was not able to know for certain myself until a short time ago. If this weekend is suitable, could you please let me know what time Friday afternoon, Saturday ( preferred),or Sunday would be best for talking with you? Either write to me, or, perhaps more convenient for you, notify Alice Haurowitz there in Madison, either at the Department of Biochemistry or at her room at 430 Nobth Frances Street, where I shall be staying during my visit. Thank you very much. I hope this works out satisfactorily for both of us. Sincerely,