February 23, 1953 Dear Ben: (Us leon) Do you know Dr. Alex Keynan? I had a letter from Goldwasser (at the "Israeli Institute for Biological Research'— what is this?) inquiring about the possibility of our having Keynan as a postdoctoral fellow next year. If you can give me your impressions of him, I would be pleased to mve them Personally, nothing mach new here; professionally you have our reprints. We did not quite understand what you meant about Elie Wollmann "mediating" @or us amidst the group at Paris. We keep hearing feuspqam about you now and then. Is it your sister who has been working in Plant Pathology here lately? I understand you are partly going back to your studies on the blue- pigmented forms. Had you noticed A. J. Weil's observation that chloromycetin inhibits the formation of prodigisein? Does this make any sense on any enzymatic scjeme? What did you actually do at Paris— are you going to work on adaptive enzymes? With best regards t f Blo Leh ee ~ Joshua Lederberg P.S. I had a letter lately from Snell asking for another culture of Y=117 (arginineless), and gather he is resuming studies with canavanine. He mentioned that peptides seem more active in reversing the inhibitioh than free arginine, as one ” might expect of a competitive inhibitor dor arginine assimilation into pepeides.