OFFICE MEMORANDUM © STANFORD UNIVERSITY © OFFICE MEMORANDUM © STANFORD UNIVERSITY © OFFICE MEMORANDUM fle: TiVit RIGHTS hee CME NEAT. Date: March 5, 1973 To; Felicity Bloch, c/o Sid Bloch; Psychiatry From: Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics SuBJECT: "State Agency" Let me mention two specific consequences of the "state agency" concept were applied to a private university. This would be tantamount to giving the status of federal employment to university staff and faculty. This would doubtless broaden the scope of constitutional protection of civil rights to employment, but might have many other side effects. For example; federal employes are constrained with respect to: Right to strike Employment of aliens Security investigation procedures Hatch Act (political activity - parts of this are doubtless unconstitutional; but not all) Freedom of Information Act - many records we would now regard as personal would have to be publicly exhibited Ownership of patents and copyrights Moonlighting and l@cture; consulting fees during a tightly defined work week No matter how one fe@ls about the limits of "free speech" it would be a bad bargain. “fed gen Zong 7-44 1s Hrrre Bierh WNGNVHOWFW JDIddO © ALISHFAINA GHYOINVLIS © WNGONVHOWAW 3251340 © ALISMZAINN GYOANVIS © WNAONVWYOWEW 3901440 © ALISYZAINN QAYOINVILS ©